
February 2016


Slingshots – not the toy, but the event, the idea behind pulling something back slowly, waiting and then releasing at which point the object is propelled at an increasingly fast rate across a distance. Applied to leadership – waiting, holding back, not saying anything, perhaps biding one’s time and then… a Tsunami of advice, direction, guidance, opinions that were never there before but are now. It seems like a good approach but what is missing is…

“But you didn’t ask me about THAT.” To which my answer always is – “Did I ask you how you got here?” No. The best updates in any meeting, on any project are the ones that come voluntarily and don’t wait for the meeting to happen to volunteer them.  They are the ones that provide the most impact and make you think – “huh we probably don’t need that meeting, so let’s cancel it and…

I love the Doomsayer. This will never work. Nope, when this goes out to the customer it will blow up in their faces. You can’t do that, the API doesn’t work that way. We will have to update everything if you make that change. This is going to blow up in our faces. Everything is always a mountain instead of a mole hill, everything is always going to be so hard that it’ll bring the…

Not from the Dictionary. Responsibility – units of work that I have been assigned where there delivery rests on me, and perhaps my team, to complete by x point in time. Accountability – work that is assigned to me where delivery rests on me, and again perhaps my team, to complete by x point in time wherein if said work is not completed by x point in time I will be the one that will have…

Looking for that next pay hike? Want to make a leap into a new position? Doing what you’ve always done for the last few years? Still don’t see where I’m going with this? Look around at the people that have taken a leap and gone past you.   Was their skillset so different than yours?  (You’re in the same organization, so doubtful) Were they that much more likeable than you? (I can’t answer that) Did…