
June 2016


Well I like the Internet… and I like Things… so what’s the big deal about the Internet of Things… I like things simplified, I like it when someone, anyone can have a topic explained to them and they can get it.  Not only can they get it, but they can think about it, spin on it and start to come up with ideas of what they can do with it. I like it even more…

On this day, when I must demonstrate my code in front of others with the hopes that they accept all that I have built, I say this prayer in hopes that my code will work flawlessly.  I’ve done many a demo, joked about the demo god prayer, but never have actually figured out what this prayer would be… until now… Let this code compile, In not an hour, but a little while. Allow this application…

If someone asks you to slow down, it’s because they can’t go as fast you and keep up. If someone asks you to hold on, it’s because they aren’t ready for the next step. If someone asks you do the umpteenth review, it’s because they aren’t sure of the change that is coming. This is very different from. Someone asking for your help to get there… Someone asking you to show them the next step and how…