
August 2016


I would change that saying slight… Dress for the career that you want. The job moves you from place to place.  A job gets you from A to B, delivery X and you get Y. A job gets you from A to B, delivery X and you get Y – i.e., do work for us and you get a salary. A career can be composed of many jobs that only you know are leading you…

You used to be an expert at something. You were the goto guy/gal to make it happen and get it done. You were an unstoppable force to be reckoned with that jumped in with fearless abandon, each and every day. When the chips were down, you were the person they would call. Now you’ve haven’t been doing that “something” for awhile and you’re starting to feel like you’re not good enough, not smart enough, not…

Growing a Team can be considered similar to growing a company. You need to look at culture fit. You need to look at skills. You need to look at growth. What do I mean by all of these? Culture Fit Plain and simply, you’ve built a culture unto your own team, whatever it is, it is what you’ve built.  The questions you ask in interviews should be shaped around the culture of your team so this…

When you go to see a live band, there is a complete dichotomy to the Opening and the Main Acts. Generally… The Opening Act will be a little smaller, possibly more intimate, driven only by their energy and their crowd to become bigger than themselves and reach all these people out there.  After all, they have yet to “make it” and are still trying to get the word out on who they are (in some…