
February 2017


Or Trusted Software is the best kind of software. It’s built on a foundation of teams and groups working together to accomplish an insurmountable task that no one ever thought could be done. I have witnessed this happen so many times – and when it does – all I want to do is sit back and watch, because it is amazing. Requirement Guys, Cloud Girls, Server Boys, Coder Girls, Database Dudes, Super Dudettes – it’s a symphony…

In problem-solving, the context of the problem and the solution derived from are everything. Take the example… Two houses are late being built – one is behind by two months, one is behind by six. The one that is behind by six months is due to environmental issues, bad weather, tough rock, lots of snow, etc, etc.  The team has put in extra hours to make up for the delay but keep getting hit with issue…

Remember those street figher(ish) games where you had to accumulate your “mana, energy or experience” before you could do your super move? You had to keep fighting to increase your reserves so when you had your best chance you’d play your super move. That… that is the moment where focus and success meet.  Where after all the beatdowns you have taken, all the fighting, all the pushing to get somewhere, all the late nights and early…

I used to think having a second monitor was the most productive thing in the world. But with everything (and I mean everything) moving towards being available on the internet and as a result my computer, I have come to find myself getting constantly distracted while I’m working. I’ll work on “something” on my main screen, then bring up Netflix, YouTube, the news, something that pulls the rest of my attention over to the right bit…

It means investing wholeheartedly into a problem. It means not holding back with ideas. It means being able to bounce off the walls with enthusiasm because everyone there feels the same. It means feeling trusted and empowered to try something new and know that everyone is okay if it fails. It means everyone knowing that we will learn from our failures and become better, stronger as a result. It means laughter and camaraderie that goes beyond…