Being “On” all the time is a very hard thing to do.

I would go so far as to say no one can really do it.

We all have our bad days where we are not as chipper as we would like to be.

We don’t make the best use of our social media interactions.

We snip and snap at people a little more brusquely than we normally would have.

Perhaps we are angry, frustrated or bored with the root of our manifestation coming from simply being “On” for too long.

You can pull up the latest meltdown du jour and probably look a little deeper that they were probably “On” a little too long.

When we were young, our parents could see when we’d been On for too long and would send us to bed.

But now we are older, and sometimes it’s not going to bed that refuels us and gets us ready for being “On” again – sometimes it’s reading, exercising, thinking, playing video games, building something with your hands, coding on something that we love.

Whatever it is, find it and figure out how you can tap into it wherever you are, whatever you are doing, so perhaps you don’t need to be “On” all the time, but you can know how to refuel it when you need it the most.

Want more? Check out my book Code Your Way Up – available as an eBook or Paperback on Amazon (CAN and US).  I’m also the co-host of the Remotely Prepared podcast.


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