
February 2018


Someone makes a wrong assumption – they must be evil. Someone accidentally sends you a connection request – it must be automated. Someone tries something new and fails – they don’t know what they are doing. Someone makes a suggestion without knowing all the facts – they couldn’t be bothered wasting their time to read your work. We can always choose to assume you the worst or we could start assuming the best and see…

You don’t need the Superstars, the Ninjas, the Rockstars, the Dreamers, the Founders or the Make Believers to make your team a success. You need the grinders, the ones that show up every day, not knowing what will be asked of them, but knowing whatever it is, it will help the team. That’s good enough for them, if it will help the team – they are all in. That’s all it is. That’s all it…

In today’s episode, Colin & Greg talk about Content Marketing. Whether you are looking to add content marketing to your own freelancing or consulting strategies, or work with related business areas, content marketing is a fascinating and growing strategy. We talk about the history, the bones, some helpful tools, and how a basic flow might work. Stay tuned to see if Greg follows through on creating a content marketing funnel for himself. As always, please…