


You show up. You come prepared. You contribute to the conversation. You make sure everyone knows what the next steps are. You move forward. The key to any successful meeting is what you bring to it and what you do in it.  Whether you’re a presenter or an attendee, you can ask these questions.  And if you can’t ask these questions, you probably don’t need to be there.

Nothing like 5, 6, or 8 minor setbacks to frustrate you and make you throw up your hands and go – “Why do I even bother?”. You know why. You might have had 5, 6, or 8 setbacks, but that’s because you’re trying, you’re pushing forward and you’re not giving up and through those setbacks, you’ve become stronger. Don’t even think of giving up.

Baselines establish where you are at. Every Survival movie starts the same way – “What do we have?” – that’s the baseline. When you know what you have, and where you are starting from, it makes it that much easier to figure out where you want to go and what you want to accomplish.

The bench does not get built overnight. Building your leadership team takes time. It takes thought, on both sides, those putting out the offerings, and those receiving them. Our natural inclination is to rush in and build a team as quickly as we can, but this will always fail as quickly as we started. Take the time, find the right people, talk to them, build the bench you need for today and tomorrow.

The origin of change is rooted in the consistency in implementing that change. No one wakes up wanting to do more work but if that is the path to the goal you seek, then that is the change you need to make. It won’t happen in an hour or overnight, only if you commit and are consistent towards that implementation.