We knew this day would come, the numbers on how we are doing, what we are doing, where we are going and a glimpse into what be next. I love these reports, not entirely for the content, but for the conversations they generate. Findings from 2021: Work from Home Research Report

We are still remote. We are still leading our teams remotely. And as much as we would like to accept that this is how things are, we can keep doing the little things that made us better in the first place and got us over those earlier humps. We just need to work at it. Whether it’s a new team or an existing one, some good Icebreakers to get things started; What was your win…

I wrote two articles last year on Growing your Software Team, the first was the more obvious (add bodies), the second was not so clear (grow by skills, career, succession). Grow By Body Grow By Skill At some point, you need to do both. Growing by Body isn’t hard, you interview, you ask questions, you select a candidate, you make an offer and you hire. Growing by Skill requires mentorship, guidance, coaching, planning, training, One-On-Ones,…

APIs are great in that they help us solve a problem in a condensed fashion and/or get access to the inner workings of an application without having to learn everything about that application. The problem with many APIs is that the errors can sometimes require reading an entire manual and/or learning about the inner workings of said system in order to be able to properly diagnose the error that might be cropping up. People who…

It’s not that we intended for them to be hard to use, it just ended up that way. The thing we thought would save the customer time, now takes twice as long. The thing we wanted to be done in one click, now takes three. The golden rule now has multiple variants that have sprung from it. All this to say, your first attempt at getting something right, might not actually get it right. But…