
February 2018


I’m not going to lie, whatever it is you’re going through might not get better in the next month or two. Heck, it might even take a few years. But you’re there and you’re feeling it so that means it’s coming, that means change, real change is coming. That means you’re on the right path, you just have one hurdle (albeit possibly quite large) to get over. But if you’re willing to keep trying, it’s…

The people sure do to make them happen. Not the process. Not the code. Not the features. Not the bugs. Only the people and their dedication to getting the product done and shipped to your customers. (sometimes we all need to be remind of what it is that really changes when we ship to meet the date and change nothing else).

You don’t have to make it public or share it on social media. Do it internally if that’s easier. But change it and adopt it for the day. Maybe today you’re a “Data Mapper” or a “Metal Head Linguist” or a “Skating Scribe”. Whatever it is, change your title and through it, change your narrative about who you are, what you want to do and where you want to go. It’s not about rioting against…

I think Meetings get a completely unfair rap for what they are and what comes from them. It’s not the meeting’s fault if you hold a good one or a bad one. It’s your fault. Oh wait, that’s why they get a bad rap because it’s easier to blame the meeting than to blame yourself. Maybe there is a way out of that? Check out – Big. Bad. Meetings.

If bad weather is on the horizon, we plan our day in an attempt to mitigate its effects. We hear the doom and gloom that keeps building to a crescendo until. It never comes. It wasn’t as bad as we thought. Sure it might have happened a little. But not to the extent that we thought it would. Such as everything you are doing, where sometimes what you forecast is worse than what really happened.