


Your level of effort is compensatory to what you will receive. It might not always be the paycheck today, it will invariably lead to the paycheck tomorrow. The paycheck might not even be monetary today. But whatever you hope to get out it will be driven entirely by what you put in.

It clicks, everything works, and all that you have been working for falls into place. It’s an incredible feeling. And you invariably wonder – “Why did it take me so long to figure this out?” Maybe it’s your learning process. Maybe it’s because you didn’t reach out to anyone. Maybe it’s because you missed something. Whatever it was, take stock of what you missed and move on. Learn from it, don’t brood over it.

Your field is your job, your role, your team, what you do, what you deliver, what you bring to the table each and every day. You are the expert of your own field. You are the one best positioned to answer questions and figure out where to go next. You. No one else. You are the Expert of One, and that’s where it starts, believing that and knowing that.