


It is incredibly frustrating to replace a thing that’s about to break with newer parts only have it to not work as well as it did. Maybe it was time, wear and tear or simply the way things were glued together – but they worked – and now that they’ve been touched they don’t. Sometimes you leave the things that are working, working because they keep humming along and getting the job done. Sometimes you…

The only person that will hold you to your commitments is you. Everyone else is hoping you get them done, wanting you to get them done, but they can’t make you do them. Your commitments are your accountability and it’s all on you what you decide to do with them. Accountability is a slow-burn, you don’t get a gold star for one commitment, but each time you hit a commitment, you hit that goal, you…

I haven’t workshopped in a few years. Haven’t had the opportunity to get together with people in a room, ad-hoc, and workshop a problem. It’s something that gets scheduled now, gets pushed out, and gets delayed. And yet, when there is a problem at hand, it’s the most powerful tool that we have to use. “Let’s get in a room now and discuss” – I miss hearing that.

If you’re stuck on what to do next, how long it’s going to take, whether it’s worth it to start, and on and on and on – all those great arguments that start with – “I can’t get enough done in that little bit of time…” Go to Google Timer, set it to 30 minutes, hide the browser, and work. After 5 minutes, you’ll forget it’s there. After 10 minutes, you’ll be frustrated you’re not…