


It is incredibly frustrating to replace a thing that’s about to break with newer parts only have it to not work as well as it did. Maybe it was time, wear and tear or simply the way things were glued together – but they worked – and now that they’ve been touched they don’t. Sometimes you leave the things that are working, working because they keep humming along and getting the job done. Sometimes you…

That little green icon means nothing. It doesn’t measure what matters. Your value Your Input Your contributions Your suggestions Your ideas Your innovation It measures whether your screensaver has kicked in or your mouse is moving. Don’t let a mouse movement become your master, if you need to step away from your computer to work out a problem on a whiteboard, do it and become better for it.

No. Not everything scales. Don’t confuse good work, great work, amazing work with the need for mass production scale. Scale is good for widgets, but not so good for creating unique value.

I love debugging. Press F5 and walk step by step through everything you have just created. It’s awesome. Could you imagine debugging your life – pressing F5 and figuring out what is wrong with you? “Oh looks like you had a huge lunch and are now tired.” “Trying to do too much and need to slow down or drop something” “You’re stuck in an infinite loop because you can’t solve that problem” And on and…