


What would your sprint look like if it was on fire? If there were no roadblocks in your way? If you had less confirmation about what to do and more focus on the actual doing? What if you achieved everything on time or gasp  early? What if your Sprint was unleashed to its full potential? It’s not “impossible”, but you do need to ask yourself what is blocking your team, what is holding you back and…

The only person that will hold you to your commitments is you. Everyone else is hoping you get them done, wanting you to get them done, but they can’t make you do them. Your commitments are your accountability and it’s all on you what you decide to do with them. Accountability is a slow-burn, you don’t get a gold star for one commitment, but each time you hit a commitment, you hit that goal, you…

This guy got it right (and did a great job illustrating it).  My favourite test for any team that is struggling – ask yourself what kind of plane, with your current culture and team – you would end up creating. Would it get off the ground? Would it have a beverage cart? Could it land? It’s a fun exercise that gets the point of where you need to work across pretty quickly. The below comic…

If you’re stuck on what to do next, how long it’s going to take, whether it’s worth it to start, and on and on and on – all those great arguments that start with – “I can’t get enough done in that little bit of time…” Go to Google Timer, set it to 30 minutes, hide the browser, and work. After 5 minutes, you’ll forget it’s there. After 10 minutes, you’ll be frustrated you’re not…

It’s going to. Things will not go your way. Things will not work out. Things will go sideways. Your plans will falter. You have two options, Leave it be. Make new plans. New plans might falter too, but they are better than doing nothing.