Did your new initiative break? Did it not go as expected? Was the team unhappy with what you tried to do that didn’t work? Did it blow up in your face? Good – that’s the idea, your leading should break at some point.  If it’s not breaking, it means you’re not working on it, and if you’re not working on it, it means you’re not trying to get better, it means you’re coasting. And if…

When things break, you can do any of the following; Get mad that it broke. Complain that it broke. Run around screaming that someone broke it. Schedule a meeting to discuss that it broke. Argue about the level of brokenness within it. Or, you can get to fixing.

It is incredibly frustrating to replace a thing that’s about to break with newer parts only have it to not work as well as it did. Maybe it was time, wear and tear or simply the way things were glued together – but they worked – and now that they’ve been touched they don’t. Sometimes you leave the things that are working, working because they keep humming along and getting the job done. Sometimes you…

That little green icon means nothing. It doesn’t measure what matters. Your value Your Input Your contributions Your suggestions Your ideas Your innovation It measures whether your screensaver has kicked in or your mouse is moving. Don’t let a mouse movement become your master, if you need to step away from your computer to work out a problem on a whiteboard, do it and become better for it.

It’s up to you how you want to present your status. It doesn’t have to be what you did / didn’t do. It can be what you accomplished. It can be what you struggled with. It can be a slide presentation. It is a song. It can be anything you want. So make it yours, because it’s all about you, so it might as well be great.