
April 2016


Creating a standard off of a hunch is a risky endeavour, especially if that standard is meant to be used by everyone. For instance, there is no way I could write a standard today on the proper implementations of TypeScript.  I do not know enough to do it.  T-SQL coding?  For sure, I’ve used it at length and could throw something together.  But am I the guru and all knowing power behind T-SQL? Not a chance.…

There is an argument to be made for secrecy.  Not in protecting and hording everything that you are and have, but in keeping some of the magic behind the scenes and waiting for an audience’s reaction. Case in point – the latest Captain America film has 16+ trailers available on TrailerAddict – some with an extra second here, or a glimpse of someone there – but sixteen trailers?  Really sixteen? How many times have you gone…

Years ago I wrote a Business Plan and in it I wrote out my Exit Strategy (as was provided and documented in the template) and filled it in. I showed it to someone and they asked why was I thinking exit on Day One. Good point and I probably did not need to write it down in the business plan but it is important to know at what point you need to get out.  At…

I’ve been trying to get a little more active in the LinkedIn community lately getting back to groups to broaden my horizons et al.  I’ve been surprised by the amount of content that is still being posted behind a form to collect information on you the person.  The teaser brings you in – “Hey check out this new article I just wrote (like right now)” – only to get there and realize that it’s behind a…

Imagine all the work you put in over the course of a year to accomplish a project and ship a release, the hours upon hours of coding and testing to make something happen.  Think of all the beta releases and customer trials that you went through to make sure things worked. Now go back even further and envision this as the version 1.0 release where you are coming into an already populated field and there…