
October 2016


Understanding the solution… Learning the solution… Breaking the solution… That’s the hard part, because now it’s more than blanket acceptance, now it’s learning, growing, questioning, evolving. The worst answer in a newly implemented solution when it breaks. “I don’t know, I never looked into it” Don’t accept the solution, break it down, figure it out, own it, make it yours. Only then should you deploy it.

The Bulldozer has an idea, a vision, a goal and they are not going to let anyone or anything get in their way. They know how to get from A to B and they aren’t about to let anything or anyone stop them. Have a better route? The Bulldozer doesn’t want to hear it, they want to keep on their path. Have a different idea? See above. Want to try something different? See above. Have…

No one grows, no one gets better, no one learns. Whether you’re in school, attending a conference, sitting at the back in a meeting – the questions are what generate the value. Content might be king, storytelling might be the delivery model but questions are the value in any discussion. Feel like you have a stupid question? Good, ignore the chatter, the smirks and ask it. At the end of the day, you made the…

You start writing code, you start compiling code then you ship code. Rinse and Repeat. Slowly the work being given to you gets bigger and larger, you’re not doing bugs anymore, you’re working on full-scale PBIs, Features, and Releases. At the same time, you start to look back at some of the old code you wrote only to declare – “Holy Hippo Spit what was I drinking when I wrote this”. So you start to…