


Complain about it. Walk away from it. Work on it. That’s it, no further explanation needed.  You can apply all three to any problem – get angry at it at first glance, take a breather from it and then come back to work on it. Nothing wrong with that approach, just don’t focus on the first two for too long.

“No, but I can learn it.” That’s all I need to hear in an interview, if I can hear that, I don’t need to dissect whether you know something or not or what level of syntax you know. That tells me that you are honest in what you know but you are driven to learn something new and contribute to our team by going beyond what is asked of you. What more could you want?

And other great developer messages… “Build Succeeded…” “Unit Tests Passed…” “Successfully Deployed…” “Pipeline ran Successfully…” Amazing how much joy these few messages have brought me over the years.

Whether it’s an office, a place of residence, a new job, school, whatever – Moving Day is always an exciting day. It’s the day where you take your “stuff” from Point A to Point B. And when you get to Point B, you get to change how you set it up before, you get to try something different, you get to rearrange everything. Moving Day shakes up the status quo in a way that keeps…

I’ve taken to reading the autobiographies of singers and bands I grew up with. What is consistent in each biography – they were all looking for something bigger than themselves, and they were willing to work for it to get there. Doesn’t matter where they came from, or how creative they were, they were all willing to work for it and they had the drive to not give up on it.