


The bench does not get built overnight. Building your leadership team takes time. It takes thought, on both sides, those putting out the offerings, and those receiving them. Our natural inclination is to rush in and build a team as quickly as we can, but this will always fail as quickly as we started. Take the time, find the right people, talk to them, build the bench you need for today and tomorrow.

The origin of change is rooted in the consistency in implementing that change. No one wakes up wanting to do more work but if that is the path to the goal you seek, then that is the change you need to make. It won’t happen in an hour or overnight, only if you commit and are consistent towards that implementation.

Don’t complain. Don’t argue. Don’t pontificate. Don’t procrastinate. Just sit down (or standup) and do the work that is in front of you.  It will be much faster than all of the above and you might it was more enjoyable by not doing all of the above.

I’ve sat in many Sprint Planning meetings and whether they go well or badly always comes to the same thing – what are we working towards? When everyone knows what they are working towards, and what the end goal is, they go very well, extremely well, and are very successful. When everyone doesn’t agree on what we are working towards, they go off the rails with esoteric discussions and back and forth on topics that…

It’s not going to turn out the way you are thinking, dreaming, envisioning it – it never does – it never will. You can either rail against the machine that what you tried to do fail and chalk it up as meaningless or you can look at what you accomplished. You delivered. Your team delivered. You learned new skills. You grew in the role that you have. You made mistakes, you fixed them. Not perfect,…