


I like to think that it’s completely up to you, you are in complete control of what comes next and where you go from here. You might not have chosen how you got here or what you did, but now that you are – what comes next is entirely up to you. You can complain about it, or do something about it.

I know bunts and singles are good. I know they make sense from a numbers perspective. But whenever I played baseball, I always had to swing for the fences at least once a game. Sometimes you just have to evaluate the right pitch, speed, and velocity, give it your all – and swing for the fences.

Two things happen when you reach your peak. You take a moment, appreciate all the time you put in to get there, and put in some more work, maybe not pushing as hard, but still moving forward. You realize you haven’t peaked, you have much further to go and you start working towards that.

Data without Context is just that Data. The context of anything happening is what makes the data relevant. When you have context you have an understanding of your data, you know where it came from, where it originated from, and maybe where it’s going. Without context, all you have is data and that’s a dangerous thing to make decisions on.

Now – you need to work on this, this is what you need to get done to move forward and be successful. Later – is what you need to do in the long-term, the big idea, the thing that is going to continue making you successful. The Later can’t be done Now because it’s too big, and the Now can’t be done Later it’s a gap filler and not a strategy. One gets you over…