


New teams need trust, fast. They need that groundwork, that foundation that established teams already have. They are having to change the rocket fuel while the rocket is soaring through the sky without it falling to the ground. What they don’t know, is that the rocket can slow down, it can take a hiccup, it can hit a different switch to get them back on track, as long as everyone sees where they are going,…

Do you have one for your team? What do they need to work on? I.e., what tasks should they do first? What do they need to focus on? I.e., what needs to be done when? What do they do when they aren’t sure what to do?  I.e., what can they fall back on? The playbook is what gives your team something to fall back on because that’s what it is, when all else fails, do…

I have lists for my lists. I have checkboxes, note apps, and journals where I write down anything and everything. I don’t want to forget, even though I do, sometimes I realize I’m just not writing down the right thing. But I keep them simple, I keep them focused and I’m definitely not paying to write down an idea for a monthly subscription fee. But the ones I get done the most?  Those are in…

Frameworks for one always work, always do exactly what you want them to. They are the most intuitive systems on the planet that can never fail no matter the bug or the error. But what happens when it becomes a Framework of Two?  Or Three? What is the cost to move to more than one user consuming your framework? Could be what you have built isn’t a framework, but rather a collection, still a great…

You have to get to know them. You have to know your team. If you don’t know them if you don’t understand what their worries, concerns, ambitions, or goals are – how can you hope to craft a strategy to help them grow, develop, and become a team? Every member is a part of the team, they all have something to offer, it’s up to you to find out what it is and how it…