


Because it’s harder. But in the end, it’s worth it, but who wants to do things the hard way? Who wants to do all that extra work to get?  Where? This post has most likely been cued by the Tv Show “For all Mankind”, where the road was less traveled, but worth the work to get there.

Hybrid Team Events are no longer going to be the outlier, they are going to become the norm. Virtual Pubs and Trivia Nights worked because everyone is in the same boat, we were all confined to our rooms so the experience was the same for all – give or take the odd standing desk, bigger rooms, and nicer windows. Hybrid events mean the scales are tipped, not everyone is at home, and it might only…

I’ve always thought of Game Development Coding as the pinnacle of update distribution.  The next time you are using STEAM to install a new game or even the company’s own updating software (Battle.NET), watch how it handles updates, patch management, distribution of code, and pushing out updates to the community. Your first experience is in getting the application into your hands and using it.  They know this, they know the smoother, the easier, and the…

There is a difference between commenting out code and leaving old code in a solution. It is assuredly impossible for commented code to call because it might never exist (if compiled) or because it is commented, it can never be reached. But when you enter into the practice of deploying code that lives but is never called, rest assured, where there is a code path, there is a way, and that code could at some…

Done, is not always the checkbox on the project plan. Sometimes, Done can be the first step in having an idea of what to do next and creating the spark for the discussion that will ensue. Done can be so much more than what we treat it as today.