
January 2016


Tip of the hat to the altMBA, my own PostScript after having written this morning’s prompt, er post. So what happens when you cannot trust the process and by the process I mean the people? Then you decide which path you need to go down – the path to find a new process that you can start fresh with and start trusting OR the process by which you stick with it and you commit to making…

There are times in life where you have to trust without knowing the end result.  Trust that the people leading you have only your best interests at heart.  That is very easy when you know all the twist and turns you are going to take to get from A to B and the road is laid out in front of you so you can see all the speed bumps ahead of you. Not so easy,…

So, right about now everyone is thinking or putting into practice this year’s New Year’s Resolutions. Are they good?  Are they bad? Are they unrealistic? Will they survive past January? I can’t say, but I would hazard a guess that all of the resolutions that we come up with in life are personally motivated. I want to draw better. I want to be a better coder. I want to run a marathon. None of them…