I have two girls that play ringette – fast game, great game – the older they get, the more intense it gets to the extent that after all these years of not being able to skate I’ve been lacing up my skates once a week to get on the ice with them (although let’s be honest… we are miles apart). I’m one of those guys that cheers loud for his kids and sometimes I have the odd suggestion for the referees (to be clear: I never boo the other team, scream obscenities and/or when our team has a significant lead I dial it down – but yes I can be quite loud).
This past weekend, the girls were in a tournament, the older one was playing a particularly tough game where we were all cheering pretty hard. But there was a moment in the game, where she took the ring and I became silent – I knew what was going to happen next. The same thing happened the day before when the younger one was playing and we walked into the Arena 5 minutes late, she stole the ring from the opposing team in their end and I stood still because I could tell what was going to happen.
In both cases, you could see it in their actions, their weight shifted to one side, they leaned on their edges a little more, the stick came back, they dropped lower, shifted their balance, they ducked and dived and fired a rocket into the net, past the goalie. I didn’t need to cheer for them to skate harder or to go and get it – they had it, they were taking it all the way to the end and nothing was going to stop them.
If the three of us were in an office together – the best thing, the only thing I should be concerned about is stepping back and letting them get it done. You know when someone is so invested in a problem that they are blocking everything out – they come in a little earlier, edge into their lunch break, perhaps their shoulders drop a bit for maximum typing capability, maybe their face is smushed against the screen or maybe the headphones go on. The signs are all there for you to see and in everyone they are different.
The best thing you can do at this point when you see it happening – is to get out of their way. If you trust them to do what’s right, they will get it done and get it done way better than you could have ever thought possible. You stopping by every hour to see how it’s going and pinging them with questions is only going to break their momentum.
Step back and watch the magic happen – you’ll be amazed at what can happen.