Two nights ago we had a big thunderstorm – the power was going in and out the whole time. It was the first time I can ever remember seeing all the lights in my house dim to their lowest potential and then come all the way back up. As I watched it happen a few times I thought to myself that this cannot be a good thing. Doing an on/off would have to a much safer approach to all the electronics in the house.
Despite having a surge protector power bar and after all the power being abruptly cut, that was it for my not so old hard drive (4 years, 1TB), it could not be brought back to life – no pulse, no heat – DOA on arrival.
In terms of rebuilds, the loss wasn’t very bad, I’ve started moving everything to the cloud, so my biggest problem was trying to remember my password to get to my password manager that was on the cloud where I didn’t remember my password to the cloud – but that’s another story.
So now I sit, on the old computer, with a new Hard drive, re-installing programs, seeing if there is any random file I really lost that was a thought that never got quite stored in the right place and doing the mental inventory.
I’m sure I’ve lost some things that I won’t realize until 3 months from now. But every time this happens it’s always another opportunity to reset, look at what you really need and start fresh, start clean and move forward.
When asked by our local IT guy what I really needed after the install, my first reply was – “Dropbox, NotePad++, FileZilla, Office“, everything else could wait. As far as resets are going, this one is looking pretty good.