When we are young, it’s all about standing up, falling down, standing up again, falling down again, over and over and over again. At some age, we stop doing this, we worry that with all that falling down people are going to start to think that it is all we do, despite standing back up. Then later in life we celebrate those that fall down, stand back up, fall down, stand back up again. So then we get back into that mode, again, of accepting failure is good.
What changed?
Approaching this from the viewpoint of an individual (i.e., not being a team) what changes during that period? Becoming a teenager, trying to find yourself, conforming to rules to get into X schools, etc, etc? There is probably a different reason for everyone.
It seems that in all hype surrounding the good of trying and failing we are missing the most important developmental stage where a person can take these lessons and really apply them to their early years as opposed to focusing on not failing, getting everything right and staying within your comfort zone.
How different would things be if we pushed young people with that mindset throughout their growth? And by growth I don’t simply mean being a teenager but into their first job and/or project?