
March 2016


You know that feeling you get after you haven’t worked out for awhile and your whole body is aching because it’s all like – “hey this is above and beyond our normal routine of getting up, going to work, sitting down, going home, watching something and going to bed” – routine. And maybe that is something you are doing some other activities during the day too – but you know the day I’m talking about…

The Detractor isn’t a bad person to have on your team, they aren’t malicious per se, but they are 100% – a Distraction – where their main goal is to detract you from your goal. The Detractor has their own goals in mind, they are working towards something else that is separate from what the rest of the team is focussed on.  Towards the end of each meeting, when everyone has said their piece and…

I receive a few unsolicited connection requests a month from people I have never met. Maybe they have read something I wrote (that’s cool). Maybe they want to partner or work with me (that’s cool too). Maybe they want to sell me something (sure why not, that’s what it’s there for). Maybe I’m a small part of them trying to grow their network with like minded people (all sounds great). When I receive these requests…

It’s not about how you grow a great orange.  In business schools, we really teach people how to squeeze oranges – how to manage for greater efficiency and economies of scale – not how to grow new and better oranges, which requires a different kind of thinking.  Business schools may offer a few selective courses in innovation, but they foster a mind-set that promotes way more obsession with how to make money than how to…

Speciality or Everything – it’s always the same battle. Will being a generalist at everything be what propels my career or will focussing on my niche give me the expertise I need to be “that guy” that everyone comes to for answers. When you are a generalist, you need to get used to being spread thin, there is no ifs and/or buts about.  You know a bit about everything, people from all over the place…