I was in a food court a couple of days ago, purposely arriving before the lunch rush because I’m not a huge fan of lineups (paying for fast passes right here).

There were a TON of options – Gourmet Sandwiches, Greek, Indian, Soups, Lebanese, etc, etc the list went on – there were probably at least 15+ stores.  And there in the corner was the good old Golden Arches (not normal in a food court, but hey that’s okay).  With so many options I went with Greek.

When I went to sit down, the food court had started to build up, all the people from the office towers were coming down for lunch and lineups were starting to form at some locations.  When I looked over at the Golden Arches, they were packed, the line-up was huge, it was snaking around the corner.

Now before you say – “yes but they have healthy options” well that’s true but the last time I stopped in at one of these establishments, none of it showed on the menu in front of me.  And really, when you hear people talk about their food it’s not about the salad but the fries and burgers – it’s what they are known for.

But looking around at all these other options and some of them were gourmet burger establishments I was completely taken aback.  My meal was probably $2 – $3 more than when I have gotten there?  I can’t believe people are really thinking about this price increase when evaluating all these options?

So what is it?

Why can’t we put down fast food?

Why do we crave it so?

Every now and again I know I go through the same craving of – “I need something faster than fast because I have absolutely zero time and must gobble it down as quick as possible” – but really waiting in line for 5 – 10 minutes throws that out the window.

It clearly has nothing to do with level of education (as that argument is always thrown around) some of these people had more expensive shirts than I had everything on that I was wearing.

So what is it?  Are we addicted to it?  Is there some higher fast food force that is calling to us every time we walk by?

And will it last?

I’m shocked, and constantly surprised, when we are looking for a place to eat and I suggest it, because it’s there, because it’s convenient and the kids vehemently say no and would prefer something more complicated to get, longer to wait and yes a few dollars more.

So is this how we break the addiction and desire?  Not with ourselves but with the next generation?

Want more? Check out my book Code Your Way Up – available as an eBook or Paperback on Amazon (CAN and US).  I’m also the co-host of the Remotely Prepared podcast.


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