Generally, when speaking or presenting, we ask the audience to ask questions. As a presenter, you WANT and even NEED them to ask questions.
It’s a bit of validation into what you have probably just invested an insurmountable amount of time and energy in, in making this presentation, to get some feedback and generate discussion.
If you don’t want your question/answer period to end at 1 question to do the following;
- Think about the question before speaking.
- Establish the common ground from which both you and the questioner can start from – what industry? do you use the same technologies? etc?
- Build on that common ground connection by recommending your answer to solving the problem.
- Apply it to a scenario this person might be fixing.
- Follow-up with the person asking the question whether you really answered the question (hey it happens) and follow-up with them later if you didn’t.
All or none of the above can work really, but there is only one thing you need to make sure you do not do when answering a question.
Deliver your presentation all over again, because that is not what they were asking you to do.