If you lead a team and have not gone with your team on any of the following;
- Conference
- Customer Meeting
- On-Site Deployment
- Sales Presentation
Something, anything, where you and members of your team worked hard towards a common goal that is now resulting in a trip somewhere.
You owe it to them to find a way to get them there with you for any and all of the reasons below (choose whichever ones help);
- Watch what a developer does when asked a tough sales question
- Stay up late and fix a customer’s system
- Wake up early to setup your booth for the upcoming day
- All try to leave the hotel on time to get to your temporary office for the day
- Put together a quick presentation for the CEO in 15 minutes
- Go get lunch at the local dive and see what hilarity ensures
- Let the Product Owner answer a question on cloud deployment topologies
These aren’t for laughs – these all build experience, connectivity, knowledge and trust within your team – and sometimes the only place to get that is on the road, at the airport, waiting for your already delayed flight to take off.