
April 2017


I had the opportunity to go back to a school and talk some more about code. This time the focus was on IoT and Cloud – amazing to see the growth and development of the kids in the classroom. The full experience is on my LinkedIn article here and the full Slideshare presentation is here.

At least once in their lives. That mumbo jumbo about running a Startup not being for the faint heart is a barrier to entry. I’m not saying go borrow $10,000,000 in foreign investment on an idea you’re not sure can ever hope to repay that. What I am saying – is everyone should try being a startup at least once in their lives. Make a lemonade stand. Come up with an idea to sell bracelets,…

Your boss? Your spouse? Your unfinished manifesto? Your brother? Your team? Your incomplete ideas? Your landlord? Your company? Your dog? Your hangover? Your banged up car? Your tweaked muscle? Or maybe what’s holding you back is that big long list of excuses where you put the blame everywhere else except where it needs to be.   Is someone visibly standing in your way telling you not to try out that new idea? Physically stopping you…

What’s in a title? When I started my first company years ago, this was my title – I received lots of weird stares and comments… What does it mean? What are you really the chief of? Do we really call you that? And the list went on… Fast forward to today, and you can go look on LinkedIn and see this title used a number of places. Does it mean I was ahead of my…