Or Run.

Or workout.

Or shoot some hoops.

Take in that free karate session.

Lace up your skates and go for that public skate.

Weed the garden.

Build a table.

Go jump in a lake.

Go fly a kite.

Go camping.

Just do something, anything, that serves to give you a break from the everything and everyday that you are going through and lets you rest, relax and refocus so when you come back you are twice as better as before.

And if you’re leading a team, you should be encouraging your team to do the exact same thing.  Make it a game and encourage them all to come back the next week and report on what they did, one-up each other, do it as a group but ensure you are focusing on the fun and the reset – no work conversations while any of this is happening.

As we get older we forget to do these personal resets but they are important than when we were younger because the onus is now on us to schedule this time and not others.

Now stop reading and go for a walk.

Want more? Check out my book Code Your Way Up – available as an eBook or Paperback on Amazon (CAN and US).  I’m also the co-host of the Remotely Prepared podcast.


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