
May 2017


Over the past week, I’ve had two experiences with applications implemented across a variety of platforms with completely different User Experiences – I can hold one up against the other and see the difference. Different features, different access points, etc, etc. Even worse, I can look at these experiences across a variety of devices and platforms and see how they are completely different in their implementation as well. If you are building a solution across a…

People Managers worry about the people, the culture, the team, the what and the how of what they are delivering. Process Managers worry about how and when of what they are delivering, the methodology, the steps and the outcome. We are all one or the other, depending on the project sometimes we are both sometimes we flip between projects on which one we must be. But we are all predisposed to leaning to one side or…

And will you keep going? If you know today – that it is not going to get easier for the next few weeks, months or years – will you keep going. Not maybe it will get easier, but definitively know that it will not get easier. Will you keep going? Will you keep waking up every day to make it happen? Will you keep pushing until you have nothing left to give? Will you still invest…

The initiation of the Blame Game starts with a lack of trust between you and someone else where both are not willing to accept that the other could make a mistake and both are intent on capitalizing on that mistake for their own purposes. But it doesn’t need to be that way and instead can, and should be built, on the mutual understanding that only together can the best outcome be achieved. As an example… You:…

Between the time when I was on my own and now where I am on my own again was about the span of a little over two years. With my first company -I had servers everywhere, network equipment, firewalls, managing patches and software upgrades, performing much of this work myself, begging for help from friends where I needed it and always worrying that someday everything would break (and some days it did, horribly). Fast forward two…