Between the time when I was on my own and now where I am on my own again was about the span of a little over two years.
With my first company -I had servers everywhere, network equipment, firewalls, managing patches and software upgrades, performing much of this work myself, begging for help from friends where I needed it and always worrying that someday everything would break (and some days it did, horribly).
Fast forward two years to my new company – I run everything from the cloud, the majority of which I can access from my phone. The company goes where I go, when I go. The needs for a brick and mortar headquarters are diminishing rapidly with the proliferation of coop sites where you can rent some space for a few days a week to get your social fix and save some money by not always needing a place of work.
I look forward to the day when we don’t supply our addresses and PO Boxes as the head office for our organization but instead the IP Address.