You know that feeling – the Friday before you head out on vacation, perhaps maybe for a week or two.

You stay late and rush to get everything done so you don’t have to think about it for the next two weeks.

You run at a pace that no one has ever seen you run at in a long time.

You give as though there is nothing left to give in your tank.

And when it’s all done, even before you go on your vacation, you think of nothing but how much you accomplished in such a short time.

So if you can do so much, in so little time, so much that goes beyond the huge quantity but is rich in quality – why aren’t you always doing this?

Make every week, the week before you go on vacation so when the weekend comes you ride high on that euphoria of what you have delivered.

Want more? Check out my book Code Your Way Up – available as an eBook or Paperback on Amazon (CAN and US).  I’m also the co-host of the Remotely Prepared podcast.


1 Comment

  1. Because that week is never a good feeling, you are leaving it all at the door, your stress level is high and you can’t possibly in a healthy way run your stress level that high continuously. At least you shouldn’t. I’ve also noticed that, that week I’ve never yielded my best work, my fastest work yes but my proudest figured it out moments were never in that week under those conditions.

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