
October 2017


The team learns to ignore it as well. And from the team, new members to join the team ignore it as well. And the cycle repeats. That’s the fall out. That’s how bad it will get. And that should be enough for Leaders to stop being complacent, stop ignoring the bad news and start confronting it head on.

Sometimes you can’t find everything in one click. Or find it on the first page of your search results. Or find it in your mess of a garage. Or find it in the myriad of statements you need to go through. Sometimes you need to dig for it, you need to work for it, you need to swift through the garbage to get to the good. Sometimes you need to work for it and you…

Remember these from Star Trek? Any conversation they would have with another species would be automagically translated so there were no miscues in conversation? Wouldn’t it be great though if the translator had a delay in it, so in translating the message it wasn’t instantaneous so we had to try to work it out on our own before getting the answer? Wouldn’t that make for some interesting discussions? Sometimes it’s not the result that makes…

Working on something you love… your PASSION… with great people… you should never be stressed right? After all, great people, work you love – why feel stressed out? Why not? It happens, it’s life, there is nothing wrong with you. It doesn’t mean you don’t love what you are doing. It doesn’t mean you don’t have a great team. It doesn’t mean you aren’t happy. It simply means you your plate is full and now’s…

If a Developer on your team says this, it means the following… I have too much on my plate to really think about this. I am hoping this is not a bug. I don’t know enough about the problem to give you a solid answer. The problem with this phrase, is that the developer means it the context of – I’m not 100% sure, but I think we might be able to do something here…