Writing Business Plans can be laborious and often feel like you are hiding out somewhere instead of actually doing “the work”.
I don’t know how much of it is really avoiding “the work” but I do know they can at times feel incredibly detailed, ornate and when going through the numbers at some point they become magical – especially if you are seeking to a establish a new market or concept.
After reading the book on the Business Model Canvas – I wanted to try out creating my own model for BetaRover Inc and compare the process to what I had currently done before.
What I found from doing this exercise were a few things;
- I enjoyed doing the multiple iterations and refinements of each section.
- I found myself adding my own pieces to the mix where I used a highlighter to indicate areas that affected each other and had a dependency on each that needed to be clarified in the next iteration.
- Different from business plans – the relations between all the different blocks were much clearer to me then if I had done a traditional plan (having had done a number of these plans before myself).
In either case, if you are thinking to start a new company, I would highly recommend making use of the tool before getting started – it’s incredibly helpful and useful.
Whereas you might sweat spending weeks and months doing a plan to “figure it all out”, you can do this in a day and come out with an idea of where you want to go, what you are doing and what’s needed next for you to get started.
All the while asking you the questions that really matter at this stage in your organization’s development.