
May 2018


And here’s the follow-up to our episode on SCRUM BUMS – the KANBAN CAN – learn how one of the producers has a KANBAN board for their family (not me). As always, please rank, review and connect with us on Facebook! Download the latest episode here –

There are two ways to convey bad news to someone (whether it be their personally tied to them, i.e., their performance or their team at large). Option #1 You screwed up, you failed, this isn’t working out, it’s time for you to move on. Your best (is that what you called it) wasn’t good enough. Option #2 Here’s what you’re doing well, here’s where we’re going to help you with and here’s what we need…

If you don’t know what the answer is, go find someone that does. If you don’t know what coding language you should be using, choose one. If you don’t know what the customer wants, schedule a call. If you don’t know what features are in the task you are working on, identify some and get to work. If you don’t know what to do on the field, run to the ball. In any endeavor, the first…

I wrote a post a while ago about Craptivity and wanted to expand on it a little more – so I wrote a presentation on it. The best part, it’s not as hard to get out of as you thin.

When you need to figure out another way to accomplish what you want outside of the current rules. If the rules don’t line up to what you are trying to accomplish then throw them and everything to the wind and do it your way. Because you know better right? You were around when the original rules were crafted right? You know all the hoops and loops that you need to go through to make it…