Working remote isn’t the easiest thing in the world to do, many do and are struggling with it.
A quick way to get over the hump of it is to take a moment and learn the tools you need to use to be successful. You’ve already learned these tools in the office setting – how to say Hi to people at the beginning of the day, how to greet people when they enter a meeting, how to walk over to someone’s desk and ask them for help – you’ve learned all these norms because you took the time to learn them from the people you work with (and perhaps adjusted your approach as a result).
Now it’s time to do the same thing again, this time in a virtual context. Take a moment before your next meeting or chat and learn the tools that are important to your being successful and apply them to what you are doing.
It’ll ease the stress of jumping into this new role.
Code Your Way Up is available today for purchase as an eBook or Paperback on Amazon (CAN and US).