Most likely it’s evolved.

Beyond what you started doing, beyond what was in the paperwork.

Perhaps what is leaps and bounds from where you started two years ago where everyone was elbows apart and now you are miles away from each other.

Despite all that, do you know what your job description is?

I’m not talking about the one that everyone can pull up from the company website and go “here, this is what I do” or the one that you can download from a job posting where the only comparison is the title.

I’m talking about what you do, day-in-day-out, weekly, monthly, looking forward three, six, nine, twelve months down the road.

That’s the job description you need to write, that’s the job description you need to write.

By doing that you’ll figure out where the gaps are and what you need to do to not only make yourself successful, but your team as well.


Want more? Check out my book Code Your Way Up – available as an eBook or Paperback on Amazon (CAN and US).  I’m also the co-host of the Remotely Prepared podcast.


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