I can build you a tractor or a Cadillac (perhaps there are better terms to use today but I still like these).

A Tractor will get you there, wherever you are going, without fail, it will be solid, it won’t breakdown and it will do the job (i.e., work hard).  Tractors don’t mind getting dirty because it’s all part of what they do to get the job done.

A Cadillac will get you there, but it’ll do it in style.  It will be fast, it will be polished, and you won’t even think of it breaking down because it does so much that even if one little thing goes wrong, there is so much it still has to offer.  The Cadillac comes with all the bells and whistles, you might not need all of them, but they are there if you ever need them.

One gets the job done, one gets the job done, and more.

Know what you are building.

Want more? Check out my book Code Your Way Up – available as an eBook or Paperback on Amazon (CAN and US).  I’m also the co-host of the Remotely Prepared podcast.


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