Been reading some articles that Agile is on its way out – Oh no!

Time for a new methodology to come in and replace what we’re doing (perhaps we can hand it off to AI).

Agile is a Framework, Waterfall is a Framework, and everything other methodology you use is a Framework – when you put them together, you the Lead Developer, Manager, etc. – they become a methodology.

Rarely have I seen someone follow Agile to the letter, but most follow tenets of Agile that has improved what they do.

Take from whatever Framework works for you and your team, intersperse it with your business model (startup, established) and industry, and sprinkle it with common sense, and voila – you have the methodology that works for you.

Make the methodology work for you, not the other way around (this has always been the failure of software methodologies).

As a side note: I would love to take some of the requirements I’m given and hand them off to AI and see if it can fill in the blanks and what it would create.

Want more? Check out my book Code Your Way Up – available as an eBook or Paperback on Amazon (CAN and US).  I’m also the co-host of the Remotely Prepared podcast.


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