


The origin of change is rooted in the consistency in implementing that change. No one wakes up wanting to do more work but if that is the path to the goal you seek, then that is the change you need to make. It won’t happen in an hour or overnight, only if you commit and are consistent towards that implementation.

You can’t lead everywhere, you can’t lead everything if you try you will fail. Pick where you are strong at, pick what you want to learn more of, pick where you want to focus – add any additional pick criteria that work for you. But make sure you pick. The leader that doesn’t pick, that ignores the need to pick, becomes the leader that chose to lead everywhere and missed the point.

Not everything in your team will work.  You will encounter challenges inside and outside of what you do that you cannot avoid that are part of the job. Making them your focus, takes away from everything else you are trying to accomplish, where you can make change and create good work. You can’t ignore it, you’re going to have to figure out what is broken, but you can’t make it your one focus, ignoring everything…

Don’t complain. Don’t argue. Don’t pontificate. Don’t procrastinate. Just sit down (or standup) and do the work that is in front of you.  It will be much faster than all of the above and you might it was more enjoyable by not doing all of the above.

The bare minimum of your application should do everything that is important to your application perfectly. If it needs to fall over gracefully, it should fall over and come back to life. If it requires logs that anyone can read, they should reference KB articles. If they are connecting people, it should connect people. If they make calls, they should make calls. If it is meant to draw a picture, it should draw the picture.…