


Only you know the training your team needs and only you know the path it requires for them to get there. They might be able to see it on the first day and it’s up to you to figure out how to get them there. You can either hold it into the very last day, or you can start from the beginning, map it out, do bit by bit every day, week, or month and…

You can’t automate everything – the spark, the creative flow, the magic – that all invariably makes things work is why you are here, in the middle, to make things happen. Automation can only take you so far, but that’s when you take over to make it better. AI is a form of automation, where you take it is the value you, provide.

There are programs that require you to get experience before you can proceed to the next level. It’s not about slowing you down (which we often think), it’s about applying what you have learned and, hopefully, questioning it, trying out what does and doesn’t work before taking the next step. Growth does not happen all at once, you might be able to cram a 17-hour course into one day, but are you better off doing…

Find a book. Start that course from Udemy you purchased six months ago. Learn a new skill. Run a little farther. No one is saying you need to master the subject, no one is saying you need to become an expert or invest 4 hours a day. Catch up on that seminar you might have missed. Most of all, Summer Learning should be about things you want to learn, not stuff that other people want…

You don’t build a process for one person. You figure out why that person isn’t following the process in place for everyone. Processes, whether how informal or small or based on culture idioms, are what helps your team service and function.  You might not call them a process, someone else might but if you’re building a separate flow, rule, guideline, or process for One, you’re choosing to give them an exception to what the rest…