


Nothing else, it… just… gets… amazing. As long as you stick with it. If you don’t stick with it, it will never get there, but if you, if you can stick with it, you’ll be amazed at where it can go and how you can get there. But you have to stick with it.

When I used to build Contact Centre Software, I marveled at the impressiveness of the MUTE button – it worked 100% of the time without fail – and thank you so so much. Now it’s a joke when it comes to video conferencing – “you’re on mute”, “you’re still on mute”. We took this great, rock-solid implementation and we made it into a meme and a joke. But for years it was the most rock-solid…

If you have invited 10 people to your meeting and they are all contributing and generating value for each other, your meeting is a perfect size. If the same occurs with 25, 50, or 100 people, then your meeting is a perfect size.  They all don’t need to be talking, but they need to be contributing value to your meeting. The value of meetings is not limited by people, but by their contributions to what…

I dread being in a meeting with a ton of people I’ve never met because I know it’s coming, the statement that is going to make everyone groan in unison. “Why don’t we go around the room and introduce ourselves!” Truth be told, I’ve never been great at introducing myself, I don’t know why – I mumble some words, hear someone else’s great intro, and then go – “wow that’s amazing” – but I’m still…

But does the band ever want to get back together? Sure maybe it worked for a reunion gig where everyone rejoiced at the good old days. But could they do it again? Do they want to do it again? Bands do get back together, they do succeed when they get back together, but only when they are willing to try something new, only when they are willing to let go of what they accomplished before…