


I wrote two articles last year on Growing your Software Team, the first was the more obvious (add bodies), the second was not so clear (grow by skills, career, succession). Grow By Body Grow By Skill At some point, you need to do both. Growing by Body isn’t hard, you interview, you ask questions, you select a candidate, you make an offer and you hire. Growing by Skill requires mentorship, guidance, coaching, planning, training, One-On-Ones,…

The most important meeting you will ever have with your team is your first one. And there are only a few rules; Introduce yourself  – but don’t showcase yourself (they have LinkedIn, they can read all about you). What are they working on – you don’t know, they do, ask them, if you are confused, write down the questions and discuss with them One-On-One, don’t derail the meeting on one person, you need to hear…

Plumbing connects destinations together in the most efficient manner possible. Roads are plumbing that connects cities. The wire is plumbing that connects the internet to our laptops. Wifi is the plumbing that connects routers to our phones. Want to make good software? Get the plumbing right, you never want your customers to be complaining about the plumbing, it should always “just work”.

Software teams get called out for being costly more often than not. Salaries never seem to shrink. They need high-running machines to write code on. They need additional software and tools to show where they are, how they are progressing, and when they might be able to deliver code to end-users. They need build machines and extra devices to make things work. They have questions (oh the questions, how cruel to ask questions). And this…

I’m going to try something new and see where it goes, a series of what I think are important pillars (blocks, stones?) of leading software teams.  This is all geared towards the new Software Manager, Team Lead, or any other role that is undertaking leadership responsibilities in their day-to-day endeavours. One-On-Ones If you are not doing these with your team and they are not of the scheduled variety, go, send out the calendar invites now…