


Here is how you build a software delivery process; What bugs you about your current system (this is whiteboarding time)? What do you want to get out of the delivery (metrics, delivering faster, more on time, a more relaxed team)? Who is involved in the delivery (either stakeholder or the roles within the process)? What things do you care about in the process (what matters to people – trust, empowerment, control, etc)? That’s it, it…

Pointing out what others are doing wrong. Putting energy into what is preventing you from achieving your goals. Lamenting what has happened. Focusing on the negativity. Not putting energy into the development to grow. Not mistakes, not failures, not attempts – but everything above – those are distractions that hurt a team and turn it from something potentially incredible to something that will never reach its full potential. Discard the distractions, because they are just…

Things might be going very badly. Things might not be where you hoped they would be. Plain and simple, everything is going wrong. You have two options – lament all that is going wrong and wonder “why oh why does this keep happening to me?” or make a plan. Outline the steps lay them out, and figure out what they need to do and what comes after what.  If they are still too big to…

Management and Leadership are two different things, neither can wait to happen. If your team doesn’t know what is happening or who is doing what, they need a manager, they need someone to jump in and help. That person is you, your team is waiting – it doesn’t have to be complicated – a Trello Board, Miro, Notion, Notepad, or anything that helps your team gets organized. Don’t wait.

Meetings can be weird. They are better if they are weird. They are best if they have an element that is unique to your team that no one else has. They set you apart, they make you smile, and laugh when days are tough. Embrace the weird so you always have something to fall back on.