I am not, nor will I ever be a front-end developer. It’s not where I excel, it’s not where I want to excel. I know what looks good, and what colors I like, but in all honesty, this doesn’t mean I am a designer either, it just means I like what I like. The idea of a full-stack developer has been around forever and dates back to the days of DLLs, COM, VB6, and all…

I can’t say, I have always been someone that has followed patterns and framework implementations to the letter, rather using their approaches to development work. But there are some that I lean on heavily and come back to when thinking about building solutions, no matter the purpose; Leverage queues where possible – offload your work into bite-size deliveries that take the work off the middle-end. Scale out your Databases – you don’t need one and…

The more you hold onto what you did wrong, the more it will consume you until you are stagnant, refusing to move, stuck in the position you are in, debating endlessly with the one person that has the potential to steer you in a different way. The mistake was made, move on, try again. It’s about what’s next, not what you did wrong that matters most.

If you aren’t using your own software you are missing out on everything great that you can learn from it. How do those features truly work? What happens when you use a function in a different way? How many clicks does it take to accomplish a task? What happens when something goes wrong? How do we handle errors on the client side? How long does it take to load? What do I think of when…

Plants Grow. People Grow. Teams Grow. So why would you think your code can never be improved?  Never get better and never grow. It doesn’t mean your code was bad, it means it’s simply time for it to move on, grow and become something else.