When everyone thinks you are delivering something different.  It’s a good time, no it’s the best time to sit down with everyone and make sure you are all talking about the same thing. When this happens, you might be the facilitator more than anything in the conversation, not trying to push people to what you see as the delivery, but rather poking holes in what the ideas of others are (respectfully) to make sure everyone…

I now own a generator. I have avoided it for so very long, taking the hits as they come.  But now I own one. And like anything with backups, I’m waiting for when I can try it out. Such is the life of backups, always waiting to be used, but never needing to be used unless it’s an emergency.

I had the longest streak running in writing, it’s the second time I had a long one going, this one was for 883 days, I was closing in on that magical number and then Mother Nature stood up and said – “Not today.” Seriously that is what happened. And we are back at Day 4 on the way back to 1,000. Such is the life of a streak, easy to start, difficult to maintain, a…

If you are never taking the moment to step back and let watch who on your team will take the reigns and run with them, then how will you know what they are capable of. The fallacy of many leaders is that they feel like they can’t step back at all because “the team will fall apart” or “they won’t be able to do it” without me there. The truth is, they are most likely…

The list isn’t going anywhere, it’s not getting smaller, it’s only growing. That’s what lists do. They grow. And they keep growing. Until we start working on them. Until we start checking off the items on them and making progress towards them. They can be big, daunting, and insurmountable. Until we start working on that first item, and then the next, and then the one after that. Until they are all done.