If you’re looking for loopholes to save the day and get your project done or product out the door you better be prepared to keep looking. Because once you find one loophole, chances are you are going to need another. And once you find that one, you’ll then need another. Loopholes are cyclical implementations of constantly trying to find your way out of a problem of your own creation. The further down the loophole you…

You have a plan, you have it laid out, everything lines up and when it comes together it has the potential to be magical and transforming. And then a wrench gets thrown into that plan that tosses it out the window and it won’t come together as you had expected. You can look at it as an undoing of your plan, a failure to see what is now coming your way, you could even treat…

A feature is a collection of requirements that need to be delivered as part of a product. The requirements that form a feature can generally be broken down into stories that form the scenarios which are used by the feature and/or they can simply be the use cases for which a feature can be handled – both are very similar. In short, I like to think of it in this way – it’s a big…

You are going to make good decisions, and you are going to make bad ones. You will not always get it right, no one has a hundred percent success rate. But you need to make a decision. Not making a decision, and spending more and more time arguing about the pros and cons is not helping your team, it’s confusing them. Make a call, admit when it’s wrong, don’t flaunt it when it’s right, and…

You can either tackle a code performance when it happens (i.e., fight the fires) or you can create a plan to tackle it. You will never get away from fighting the fire approach, a scenario, a use case, will always pop up and make you stop and think – “huh, I never thought about that”. But you can look to the other 90% of scenarios that you know of and work through the scenarios that…