Agile is famous for saying – “everyone owns the system” – but that’s not true, because not everyone wants to own a delivery system. Project to project, I don’t want to lead everything, sometimes I want to come in and deliver, work through coding problems, test, and move on.  I don’t need to lead the project, I simply need to do my part and take the lead from others. But in every system, what makes…

There is no quick way to create a new process – no shortcuts or missed steps to be taken. But the hardest part is having faith in the process when you don’t know where it is going to end and you don’t know what the steps are. This doesn’t mean you are kept in the dark – maybe you know the milestones and that’s as far as it goes – maybe there are sub-points that…

I think we are conditioned that big successes require big moments and ceremonies to make them be worthwhile and properly commemorate all the work that has gone into something. Maybe, but when I think of the successes I have had, the ones that mattered more than anything.  I can easily say, that the quiet moments away, are when I actually got to absorb what went into that success, what mattered, and just how great it…

We shy away from this question because it forces us to look at where we might be coming up short and more importantly – where we might be needing help. But it’s the question we should be asking ourselves each and every day in order to move forward. And the one question you should always be asking your team to ensure you’re supporting them in the best way how.

It’s a tough question to ask of yourself because it can only be answered by yourself. But once you ask it, you know what you do and don’t bring. And what you don’t bring becomes the plan for you to figure out how to get there.